
Manheim’s Total Resource Auctions (TRA) Arbitration Policy

Depending on sale channel, announced conditions, or sale price, other Manheim arbitration policies may apply. Please see: 

Updated: August 5, 2024 

All vehicles sold within the Manheim marketplace (In-Lane, Simulcast, OVE, etc.) that have a “TRA” branding or indication are sold and considered AS-IS with limited arbitration rights. Arbitration claims may only be submitted for the following issues: 

  1. Inoperative odometer 
  2. Title branding, discrepancies, or encumbrances (including, but not limited to: Not Actual Miles, Salvage, Theft Recovery, Stolen Vehicle, Flood Damage, Lemon Law/ Manufacturer’s Buybacks) 

Sellers wishing to be exempt from arbitration for the above issues must clearly disclose the nature of the odometer or title concerns noted above. 

Buyers must be aware. There will be no arbitration proceedings for any other defect. 

The timelines established by the Mannheim marketplace and in NAAA policies will apply.