Seller will be held responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all representations or descriptions. This includes
handouts, catalogues, vehicle markings, condition information or vehicle listings and verbal or written statements
made by Seller, Auction, Auctioneer or Selling Representative at the time of sale. The Seller understands that the
sale light/video display is a binding arbitration representation of vehicle condition, and is therefore responsible for
ensuring that their vehicles sell under the correct light in the lane.
A condition report, in its current state, is a visual representation of the physical condition of a vehicle as well as an
overall description of the vehicle. It is not a complete mechanical, electrical or structural inspection and is not to be
treated as such.
The following is collected as part of the Generic Condition Report:
The following is not collected as part of a Generic Condition Report and will not be disputed nor arbitrated based on
the information disclosed (or not disclosed) on the CR: